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Long tail keywords are one of the best ways to optimize your searchability for SEO. Search Engine Optimization (SEO for short) is the process of increasing the ability of your website or webpage to be seen by your audience. Don’t know how to implement this? No problem, 360 Web designs have you covered.
Lots of information exist on how to get your website to climb the ladders of the internet. This can range from Crawl Accessibility to Keyword Optimization. It could feel overwhelming with all the knowledge out there.
Fear not! Today, 360 Web Designs will teach you one a way to raise your bar on SEO.
Long tail keywords are search terms that don’t have a high search volume. This means that the keyword has very little to no search history on Google. So for example, some phrases like “cat” would be considered a keyword that has a HUGE search volume.
5,660,000,000 Results??!
This means that for every person looking for “cat” online, there are a million other websites that exist for this keyphrase. You end up competing with many websites for clicks to see your material. Also, when promoting ads, the more general the term you want to use, the costlier the bid.
But if you had a more specific keyword for your related site, say “siamese cat”, the search results drop and your site will be closer towards the top. You obtain lower competition and a higher conversion rate of visitors. Those who plan on purchasing goods also tend to do more research on their products, and so their searches will definitely be narrowed down. Finally, this increases your chances of making a sale if your website plans on marketing items.
So Long tail keywords help your website rank better, and people are also more likely to become your customers.
You don’t always have to use a Keyword searcher in order to find the perfect Phrase. Google actually provides one way to already do this for you. When you search up “cat” on the google search bar, scroll all the way to the bottom of the page:
cats, cats…cats.
Google will tell you all the related search terms usually searched that are related to “cat”. You can further refine your phrases by copying the word recommended to you by Google, and look at its related search terms until you find the purrfect one!
For more information on SEO, check out our other blogs!